informative & Light hearted yogic Blog
Read our blogs all about yoga, life and the groovy details
Ancient Roots to Modern Mat
The modernization of yoga in the West & how we can honor this practice & its traditions
Louder for the Yogis in the back
What scares you should be your biggest motivation. Read our blog on why you shouldn’t be scared to come to yoga & how it will instead free you from those very fears.
How do you live spiritually
The full harvest moon, rituals & learning how to define our spirituality
the hands of time
New Year’s Intentions and mindful techniques for interested yogis
The Sacred Solstice
Celebrating the sun and all that new light coming our way
ARe you a doer or a believer
"What you believe is far more important than what you do." -Alan Watts
Practice: The Physical
"The study of asana is not about mastering posture. It's about using posture to understand and transform yourself." - B. K. S. Iyengar
How to be a yogi
An informational piece on how to become more mindful & embrace the lifestyle of peace